The Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC) is an ecumenical body jointly established by the Episcopal Conference of Tanzania (TEC) and the Christian Council of Tanzania (CCT) in 1992 to facilitate social services, with the main focus on education and health services provided by member churches. Currently, CSSC is in the second year of implementing a project entitled "Pamoja Tuwekeze Afya" - (PATA) Activity. This 5-year activity was granted by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under Cooperative Agreement No. 720662120CA00008 to CSSC. The award aims to establish self-reliant health facilities (HFs) and improve health service delivery through the CSSC network of church health facilities in meeting the health needs of the target population. Through innovative and cost-effective solutions, PATA's business will enhance CSSC's ability to deliver high-quality reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent (RMNCAH) services, HIV/TB services, and other related health areas.
New Jobs in Tanzania Christian Social Services Commission, 2022
CSSC Tanzania is hiring for new positions. Read the full details through the attached PDF file below: