Communications participant
Qualified applicants
This position is open to the group 1, group 2 and external applicants.
Procedures and eligibility
Interested applicants must consult with administrative instructions on recruitment and allocation of locally recruited staff (RALS).
Duties and qualifications
Communications participant
Organizational preparation and business relationships
Communications partners are usually supervised by a communication officer or another position as decided by senior management in the field of responsibility. The supervisor provides experienced regular guidance. The employee works independently on the regular tasks of the supervisor. S / It maintains repeated communications with staff at various levels in the Office and sometimes with staff at the same level in other duty stations and/or headquarters; With local media, local suppliers, non-governmental organizations, partners, embassies, and United Nations agencies.
Communications partners, depending on the structure and regulatory location, may support in the implementation of a range of communications activities in the fields of news relations and media, the production of multimedia content, social media production, video production, good and other analytical amplifiers, public communication and campaigns, Donations, analyzes and brand. The functions may also be needed to help strengthen coordination and liability in the area of ​​responsibility, support advocacy efforts, awareness-raising, and digital contributions as well as strengthen analyzes to report social media strategies and action plans.
All UNHCR staff are responsible for the performance of their duties as resurrection in the function description. They are doing this in their delegated authorities, in line with UNHCR's organizational framework, which includes the Charter of the United Nations and United Nations systems and regulations, UNHCR policies and administrative instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, employees are asked to secrete their responsibilities in a manner consistent with core and functional and functional competencies, the basic values ​​of the professional and integrity and respect for diversity.
- Supporting the implementation of communications strategies for countries, situations, and special projects in the field of responsibility; Help define thematic priorities and fans targeted to meet the global, regional, and national communications targets of the leader of the Novel, and generate sympathy and mobilize work for forcibly displaced persons and non-nationality.
- Monitoring of news and popular trends to include UNHCR messaging in ongoing talks; Determine the main moments of proactive communications.
- Assist in increasing strategic partnerships with individuals and organizations who can help produce and strengthen UNHCR content, activities, and messages as well as provide research visions to improve communications; Enhancing business and civil society actors.
- Support the development of paid content and news to lead the narration on forced displacement and show UNHCR impact (such as interviews, press releases, leading reports, and the establishment of an emotional novel to generate sympathy (such as stories and multimedia content) and mobilize the procedure by reference to concrete steps They take refugee assistance (such as digital diplomacy and campaigns driven by work, collecting donations).
- Assist in ensuring that the content created to the maximum impact is supported by supporting the development of distribution strategies from start, strengthening content on the relevant UNHCR channels and placed on external channels.
- Assist in monitoring and adjustment of telecommunications projects accordingly.
- Assist in research, preparation, liberalization and production of professional media and professional communications for targeted masses and ensure timely deployment through United Nations Telecommunications channels, ensuring the highest quality standards.
- Maintain continuously and upgrade communication skills, keep powers and emerging tools, review the results of the media effect and other measurement tools for learning purposes.
- There may be a need to assist in implementing campaigns, events and other initiatives to support the strategic objectives of refugee affairs, including the need for a pioneering share of refugees and related issues.
- There may be a need to do missions and field trips with media and other official visitors to support and work.
- Perform other tied duties as required.
Minimum qualifications
Years of experience/level level
In order to experience the G6-3 years linked to the secondary diploma; Or 2 years work experience related to or equivalent or higher
Education Field
Can not be applied.
Certificates and/or licenses
Press, Social Sciences, Humanities, or Related Areas
(Certificates and licenses bear the star mark * necessary)
Professional experience related
Excellent computer skills and MS Office applications. Excellent formulation skills.
Experience the implementation of communication strategies. Professional writing skills and editing. Experience in working on invitation campaigns.
Functional skills
Joint International Information Communications
Joint press (including printing, broadcast, photography, video, planning, and graphics)
Production of common video for digital platforms (including newsletter)
Joint editing
Cooperative and documents
Production of joint digital content
(Functional skills carrying star * necessary)
Language requirements
Local and local service functions: Knowing English and the United Nations at the work center if not English.
National Professional Functions: English Knowledge and United Nations from the center if you are not English and local language.
Public service functions: English knowledge and/or UN work of the work center if not English.
All members of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) should contribute individually and be attracted to a work environment where each person feels safe and enables their duties. This includes showing non-tolerance for sexual exploitation, exploitation, and harassment, including sexual harassment, sex, gender, discrimination, and abuse of power.
As individuals as if they were managers, everything must be proof of prevention and response, supporting continuous dialogue on these issues, talking and enjoying the directives and support of UNHCR resources when these issues arise.
This describes a standard work for all UNHCR functions with this job label and chapter level. The operational context may contain additional necessary and/or desirable qualifications related to the specified and/or location operation. Any such requirements are integrated into this job description and will be considered for examination, betrayal, and choice of candidates.
The position of competencies
Capacitors as specified in the functionality profile
Language requirements
Please also note that English is necessary for this function. Keyword knowledge is an additional feature.
Additional information
Please note that the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has no fees at any stage of the IT recruitment process (app, interview, meeting, travel, treatment, training or other fees).
Female and qualified candidates are encouraged to apply
Candidates will be asked to sit for testing
Intensify the difficulties with the application process, please contact:
final date
Please note that the closing date is Wednesday, March 9, 2022 (midnight Tanzania).