LifeWater International, which deals with issues of Clean Water and Safe, Health and Sanitation, has donated five Blood Pressure Vessels 'BP machines' worth Shillings 1 million to help provide health services in Shinyanga Region to cope with the severe 'Corona'.
The machines were handed over today on May 26,2020 by LifeWater International Regional Manager in Shinyanga Region, Benety Malima to Shinyanga Regional Chief Physician. Yudas Ndungile at Shinyanga Regional Referral Hospital.
Speaking during the handover, Malima said the support was a continuation of LifeWater International's contribution to the government of the United Republic of Tanzania in the fight against Corona disease.
“Today we have provided the machine as the only continuation of donations we have been providing to the government. You will remember we recently sponsored training for health care providers and now we continue to support outreach in Shinyanga council, ”said Malima.
“We thank the government for continued cooperation. We continue to plan to see how we can continue to partner with the government further to ensure the Corona disaster and its staff are working in a friendly environment, helping the sick and those who remain safe ”, added Malima.
In turn, Shinyanga Regional Chief Physician Dr. Yudas Ndungile thanked LifeWater International for continuing to contribute to the fight against Corona Viruses.
"We are very grateful to our stakeholders at LifeWater International for providing us with the support of the BP Blood Pressure Plants that will assist us at our health care facilities in line with the facilities we have set up to treat Corona patients if they occur", he said. Dr. I'm fine.
"You have done a good thing to bring us to BP Machinery because other diseases also have their own challenges especially when treating a Corona patient, so these tools for us are very important in serving Corona victims," ​​said Dr. I'm fine.
“We urge other stakeholders to continue to support us as the struggle continues and we must continue to strengthen ourselves against Corona Viruses. There is still demand, we need other equipment like this but also blood pressure measuring machines, high blood sugar, and defense devices ”, added Dr. I'm fine.

Physician Referred to Shinyanga Regional Referral Hospital Dr. Rose Malisa in addition to thanking LifeWater International also urged stakeholders to continue supporting the hospital by providing them with a variety of equipment including oxygen levels in the body 'Pulse Oxymetry' that have been challenging at the hospital.

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