To win the attention of YouTube’s algorithm, you need lots of subscribers. Today, I’ll show you real ways to get free YouTube subscribers. No tricks. No hacks. Just tactics that work. Over the last few years, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat have stolen the social video spotlight. But YouTube is still an incredible marketing channel, receiving over 30 million visitors per day and 5 billion daily video views. The following below are top tips to get YouTube subscribers very fast:-
Create Searchable Titles: Most people pick their titles last and don’t put much thought into them. I used to do the same thing when I was writing an article. I’d write the article, and then just pick the first title that popped in my head. That was a big mistake. Come up with a great title first and more people will find your videos and subscribe to your channel.
Create Searchable Titles: Most people pick their titles last and don’t put much thought into them. I used to do the same thing when I was writing an article. I’d write the article, and then just pick the first title that popped in my head. That was a big mistake. Come up with a great title first and more people will find your videos and subscribe to your channel.
Promote Your Channels In Online Communities: I just watched a great YouTube video where Gary Vaynerchuk was talking about how you could make $70,000 a year talking about Smurfs. He was being funny, but also serious. There’s an audience for just about every topic, and if you can tap into them, you’ll grow your audience. Be engaged in relevant conversations on Reddit, Twitter chats, Facebook Groups, and LinkedIn groups and you’ll grow your subscribers.
Collaborate With Other YouTubers: Every big YouTuber does this, and so should you. By working with other creators you get exposed to their audience. Search for other channels in your space and reach out to them. Make sure you pick channels that have a similar-sized following. If you have 500 subscribers, don’t reach out to someone with 500,000.
Create Great Playlists: Do you have a series of videos that go together? Group them together in a playlist. It’ll encourage people to binge-watch them and they’ll be more likely to subscribe to your channel because they’ll want to see your next video.
The post Amazing Content: Sounds obvious, right? I think a lot of us fall into this trap, “I need to post a million videos a week or my subscribers will jump ship and never watch me again!” Trust me, no one is thinking about your videos as much as you are. Post quality, rather than quantity.
Translate popular videos. It’s hard to find a winning YouTube formula. But once you hit gold, you need to focus your efforts on replicating success. After publishing for a few months, you’ll likely have a few videos that resonate. I recommend translating these popular videos to a few languages (such as German, French, and Spanish). This helps you rank in international markets, gain new free YouTube subscribers, and expand your reach. It’s always a good idea to add subtitles to every YouTube video as well.